Vision XO Reel är visions nya premium rulle som väger extremt lite och har ett helt vattentätt bromssystem. Med sin snygga design bör detta bli en riktig storsäljare man verkligen kan lita på!
-Diameter 95mm
-Volym 80cm3
-WF6 rymmer 50m 20lb backing
-Vikt 123g
-Diameter 103mm
-Volym 95cm3
-WF8 rymmer 150m 20lb backing
-Vikt 135g
When you manage to launch a premium fly rod series which is received well by your fellow anglers, it is pretty obvious, that you want to do that also with your new fly reel. A premium reel requires a world-class brake, plenty of line capcity, a light but still solid construction and last but definitely not least a unique design to separate it clearly from all the other reels on the market. Those were our main objectives when we set out to do just that with our novel XO fly reels.Light large-arbour reel with a well tested brake design and super cool outlook is our new premiun product to complement nicely for example our top of the line XO fly rods. 3-4 class reel is implemented with a adjustable click brake for needed lightness, where as #5-6 and #7-8 class reels have a proper disc brake.