
Långkastande lina med grym presentation


Långkastande lina med grym presentation

Specially designed for delicate presentations of small flies to technical feeders at range with ultra-slick performance.

• Long front taper turns over flies with delicacy and precision
• Built with RIO's exceptionally slick, durable SlickCast
• Extended head and back taper increases loop control when carrying long lengths of line
• Specifcally designed to turn over long leaders for technical trout

RIO’s TECHNICAL TROUT line features a long, fine front taper for the lightest of presentations and delicacy and is the ideal choice of line when fishing dry flies, nymphs, soft hackles and emergers to tricky eaters at distance. The line has a long head and back taper to increase loop control when carrying long lengths, and for making precise casts to rising fsh, while the weight distribution makes it easy to turn over long leaders for technical feeders at range.

In addition, this line is built with SlickCast, creating the slickest, most durable coating on the market—producing the least amount of friction ever measured in a fly line.

This line is available in both Weight Forward and Double Taper options and is built with a supple core and coldwater coating.
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Densitet: Floating
Klass: #4
Klumplängd: 14,9 m
Klumpvikt: 12,3g
Linlängd: 27,4 m

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